ADHD Mentoring UK
Are you an ADHDer who runs a successful business and looks like she’s got it all? But in reality you feel like you’re barely holding it together?
Do you dread the day ahead when you wake up because your brain is overwhelmed and you struggle to create structure and healthy daily habits?
If I was to sum up ADHD in two words it would be these.
‘Unfulfilled Potential’. But it doesn't have to be that way.
And I want to show you how.
So if you are ready to transform your own crazy rollercoaster ride through life as a Neurodivergent I would LOVE to help you.
Since my diagnosis of combined types of ADHD at the age of 51, I have been determined to make my brain my best friend and not my worst enemy.
And all without taking medication.
Has it been easy? Hell no! Has it been worth it? Absolutely.
What I can offer you:
Support through 1-1 online sessions.
First hand access to in person events with a reduced rate if you are an online client
Help creating healthy daily habits that will transform your day
Advice and information about ACCESS TO WORK ( a government scheme that helps people with ADHD in the workplace)
The chance to unleash the power of your ADHD brain and feel happier, more productive and live the life you were born to.
I have spent 18 months creating a structure to my daily life that actually works (most of the time!), and has opened up a whole new world of productivity, creativity and happiness.
I have transformed the way I look at:
My diet
My daily exercise
My sleep routine
Recognising burnout before it appears to bite me on the ass!
Letting go of guilt
People pleasing
Accepting I AM ENOUGH just as I am
I would love to show you that you’re not:
Quite the opposite.
You have so much potential it’s untrue!
I am not a Life Coach or even an ADHD coach. I won’t talk to you about Neurotransmitters or the origins of where ADHD came from in your family.
If you're anything like me you want results that make a difference!
As Neurodivergents we are living in a world that wasn’t designed for us, and I am determined to change that in my own unique way, with strategies that really do work.
So why not book a 1-1 hour with me to see what a difference we can make together.
“Sarah is a font of knowledge and I really benefitted from my SOS call with her. I was able to implement small hacks into my life which I definitely felt a positive impact from and whilst the path of progression is not always linear, I think the compassion that she gives in her support also helps you bounce back when you have had a slump.
If you're looking for someone to help you navigate the journey that is ADHD then Sarah is compassionate, encouraging and super knowledgable.”
ADHD Mentoring Packages
1hr ADHD SOS Session
Ask me anything about ADHD.
What are you struggling with?
Creating a healthy morning routine?
Letting go of the guilt of putting yourself first with essential ADHD self care?
Needing a body double to help you get that task done you’ve been putting off for 6 months?
Want to explore easy strategies and tools to make your day a whole lot easier?
This is perfect if you need to talk to someone who actually ‘gets it’. You can tell me your story and we can look at ways to bring about small changes that give amazing results.
How do I know this? Because I’ve spent 18 months hyperfocusing on creating healthy daily habits that have transformed my own ADHD life, and in turn have made me a happier, calmer and more productive Neurodivergent woman.
Access to Work Session
Initial 1 hour zoom session.
What is Access to Work and how could it help you?
Eligibility if you are self employed.
What to expect if you apply.
What you can ask for help with as a self employed person with ADHD.
If applicable, a referral to an ATW expert who will help you with your application on a no win no fee basis.
(The whole process can be a little intimidating and frustrating and isn’t ADHD friendly, but it is so worth it if your application is successful. And that’s where having support is a Godsend if you are a Neurospicey businesswoman!)
Read my Rough Guide to Access to Work for a quick overview here.
'Unlocking Potential' - 3 Month ADHD Mentoring Package
3 x 1 hour Zoom calls to create small changes that over time have lasting results.
Body Doubling
Whatsapp support
Setting healthy daily habits that make a difference
Free LLO downloadable PDFs that will look gorgeous on your fridge door or above your desk!.
Most ADHD’ers have so much potential that they don’t ever fulfil, but it is possible to change that. So if you’d like to work with someone who can offer first hand experience and knowledge, and most importantly someone who will show you that investing in yourself as a Neurodivergent woman, to create strategies & habits that can change your daily life, is one of the BEST things you can ever do, then the ‘Unlocking Potential’ package could be perfect for you.
Still need a few extra details before booking a discovery call?
I am not a therapist or mental health professional.
If you are struggling with serious anxiety, depression or mental health issues seek support and guidance from the relevant specialists.
Please read the full Mentoring Terms & Conditions here.